Stalwarts Of Occupy: Arthur
Occupier and OT reporter Emma Fordham gets the low down from another of Occupy London’s familiar faces. EM: When did you get involved in Occupy? ARTHUR: One week after the OLSX camp set up. EM: What took you there? ARTHUR: I was [...]

Money Talk$: Harry Shutt
Visionary economist Harry Shutt, author of ‘Beyond the Profits System: Possibilities for a post-capitalist era’, tells it how he sees it to The Occupied Times. Occupied Times: Tell us about the situation in Greece – are we seeing [...]

The Great Debate: Should Occupy be a Single Issue Movement?
Occupy began in the wake of the financial crash, bank bailouts and austerity measures, as a movement opposed to economic injustice. Since then, many other issues have been incorporated into Occupy’s aims and rhetoric. This edition we ask: [...]

On the Soapbox: Claude Melville says Finsbury Square Should Go it Alone
I joined Occupy to oppose the unjust economic system which caused the financial crisis of 2008, and the wider neoliberal consensus which allowed it to manifest. I arrived at St Paul’s on the 15th of October ready to make personal sacrifices, [...]

The Great Debate: Is Squatting the Same as Occupying?
Both the occupation of squares and the squatting of buildings are seen as strategies for re-claiming public space. Recently, some occupations (Sydney, Oakland, London) have turned to squatting in order to utilise empty space as community centres [...]
Stalwarts of Occupy: Betty
Occupier and OT reporter Emma Fordham chews the fat with another of Occupy London’s familiar faces. EM: When did you arrive at OLSX? BETTY: Just before Christmas. EM: What brought you here? BETTY: I read about it in newspapers. [...]
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