On March 5th, the OLSX Quaker Meeting for Worship sent a letter to Friends, supporters and occupiers. It brought a tear to the eye of one occupier, [...]
The legal system is part of the ‘system’ which Occupy London rightly identifies in its initial statement as both undemocratic and unjust. To remedy [...]
If the story of human rights were a book, 2012 might be seen as the end of one of its most promising chapters. But first we need to go back to the [...]
The Media Lens media analysis service was established in 2001 by political writers David Cromwell and David Edwards. The service aims to raise awareness of [...]
Yesterday the Telegraph linked graffiti daubed on the artist Damien Hirst's sculpture, 'Hymn', to an article published in The Occupied Times. The 20-foot tall, painted bronze sculpture of a human anatomy model is currently on display outside the Tate Modern as part of Hirst's retrospective exhibition. It was sprayed with the word ... ∞
Today in the royal Courts of Justice there have been some very fishy shenanigans going on. Save Leyton Marsh Campaign group and members of the Community Support Camp received two injunctions that were served around ... ∞
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