
Skag, Squalor and Shock at St. Paul’s!

Last week, some of the most vulnerable people in Britain got up in the morning and reached for their fix of junk, as they do every day. Whilst this habit disgusts most decent minded-people, and parents rightly fear that their children could [...]

A Hat-trick of Hogwash

That because no demands are being made, the movement is pointless This is a common accusation. Traditionally, a protest movement will begin with a list of demands for changes they wish to see. Occupy is intentionally different. It came about [...]

Four Fallacies

  That Protesters Graffitied on the Cathedral Walls   Someone did spray ‘666’ on the side of the cathedral, but there is no evidence it was the work of anyone from the camp. The graffiti was daubed on the wall to the left of the [...]

Seven Media Sins

  “OLSX is anti-capitalist” The fact is that there are a variety of views within the camp on capitalism. Many dislike the system and wish to see an alternative; many more wish to see the current model reformed. The initial statement [...]