
On the Soapbox: Claude Melville says Finsbury Square Should Go it Alone

I joined Occupy to oppose the unjust economic system which caused the financial crisis of 2008, and the wider neoliberal consensus which allowed it to manifest.   I arrived at St Paul’s on the 15th of October ready to make personal sacrifices, [...]
OT ISSUE 11_F2-33

Rev Nemu Preaches “Checkmate in Three”

“Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil” – Exodus   Back in 1961, as the mild-looking, pen-pushing architect of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann was on trial for genocide, Stanley Milgram began investigating the question of [...]

Reverend James Lawson Wonders if Occupy has Presented a Last Chance for Christianity

The Occupy London camp outside Saint Paul’s Cathedral is unique. No other protest in hundreds of cities across the world was so passionately engaged with the church. That gave the church a chance to learn from the movement. In an essay called [...]

John Sinha Says: “Build, Don’t Boycott”

Consumer boycotts have a long and honourable history in social movements: The bus boycott of the US Civil Rights Movement succeeded in desegregating buses in the South; the campus-based boycott of Barclays Bank was a successful campaign of the [...]

Tim Hardy asks: ‘Who Pays the Bill?’

You are at dinner, feeling self-conscious. You haven’t been out in months – it’s a luxury you cannot afford since you struggle weekly to meet your living expenses – but it’s an old friend’s birthday who you haven’t seen [...]

On the Soapbox: The Reverend Nemu on Prophecy for Profit

One day, every child learns that Father Christmas doesn’t exist, but how do you recover from discovering that he was put to work as a Coca-Cola poster boy? Hark ye! It wasn’t singing angels heralding the birth of our lord but dancing Santas, [...]