
Beyond the Headlines: an Interview with Media Lens

The Media Lens media analysis service was established in 2001 by political writers David Cromwell and David Edwards. The service aims to raise awareness of the systemic failure of the corporate media to report the world honestly and accurately, [...]

Occupying the Media

Since Occupy began, detractors of the movement have continually rolled out the same lazy questions and criticisms. Often these relate to a lack of concrete demands or aims despite the messages of social, economic and environmental justice – [...]

From St Mary’s to St Paul’s: Participatory Democracy in England

“I think the poorest he that is in England has a life to live as the greatest he…and I do think that the poorest man in England is not bound in a strict sense to the government that he has not put himself under.” These words of the republican [...]

Then & Now: A Letter to Occupy from David Osler

Ever asked your mum if she did anything more constructive in the Thatcher years than dressing up in ra-ra skirts and pixie boots and dancing to Duran Duran?   It’s a reasonable bet that some people participating in Occupy London today [...]

How I Learned to Start Worrying and Hate Louis Armstrong

If the festive season is any indication, storytelling would seem to play an important part in our lives. In keeping with tradition, Christmas Day was, for many, a time for reflection on a mythical story of humankind. A story of outlandish characters [...]

The End is Nigh! Occupy!

“The End is Nigh!” Delightful words, written in bold on a sandwich board or screamed out on a street corner in the ecstasy of doom. But what does it mean? Sadly our own Christian enthusiastics are too busy dancing jigs, hoisting enormous [...]