
Issue Twelve – 21st March 2012

Picking up a copy of Rupert Murdoch’s jingoistic tabloid newspaper recently, you could be forgiven for running to a mirror to check that you aren’t, in fact, Bill Murray’s character in Groundhog Day. Since The Sun drafted its infamous [...]

Issue Eleven – 1st March 2012

After four and a half months of peaceful, prolonged protest, the authorities finally called time on the St Paul’s occupation in the early hours of Tuesday morning.   Riot police and bailiffs, enforcing the will of the 1%, were confronted [...]

Issue Ten – 8th February 2012

It’s early February. There’s snowfall on the tarpaulins of the St. Paul’s camp, and chill winds force down the temperatures in the City. An unusual sight – normally, white powder in central London only marks the bankers’ bonus season.   We [...]

Issue Nine – 20th January 2012

As Britain enters its fourth year of ever-deepening austerity measures since the onset of the global financial crisis, the sails of the good ship Westminster seem primed to catch only the breath of economic tradition – of unwavering [...]

Issue Eight – 4th January 2012

A New Year is a natural time for reflection and planning for change. Time magazine’s choice of ‘The Protestor’ as person of the year owes much to the gallant struggle of our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and Northern Africa - but [...]

Issue Seven – 14th December 2011

Tomorrow marks two months since the start of the global Occupy movement, and already a tremendous amount has been achieved. Those of us who have been part of the occupations since October the 15th weren’t even sure we would make it through [...]