OT ISSUE 11_F2-07

Don’t Weigh Our Anti-Imperialist Struggle On Syrians Alone

There’s great alarm over the fate of Syria’s Revolution as the stalemate in the country leaves it subject to external forces capable of dislodging its beleaguered combatants. For the regime, it can rely on its Russian and Iranian benefactors to [...]
OT ISSUE 11_F2-10

A Battle In Greece, A War For Us All

By the tens of thousands they descended on parliament in an intervention by the public against the politics of theft practiced by the Greek government and demanded by foreign creditors. They filled subway trains and side streets en route to [...]

The Occupations of 2011 Proceed Greater Resistance

From Athens to Lisbon, Madrid to London, Frankfurt to New York, a much delayed popular response to the 2008 financial crash took shape in 2011. Assurances by politicians of a much promised recovery rang hollow, and a recovery in the stock markets [...]

The Demise of the Neoliberal Eurozone Project

The sovereign debt crisis has put forth for all to witness the true nature of the European Project. Its banner of solidarity is pierced with the dagger of imposed austerity, and below that banner representative democracy of the nation-state [...]