OT ISSUE 11_F2-30

The Great Debate: Is Squatting the Same as Occupying?

Both the occupation of squares and the squatting of buildings are seen as strategies for re-claiming public space. Recently, some occupations (Sydney, Oakland, London) have turned to squatting in order to utilise empty space as community centres [...]
OT ISSUE 11_F2-33

Rev Nemu Preaches “Checkmate in Three”

“Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil” – Exodus   Back in 1961, as the mild-looking, pen-pushing architect of the Holocaust Adolf Eichmann was on trial for genocide, Stanley Milgram began investigating the question of [...]
OT ISSUE 11_F2-28

Money Talk$: Yanis Varoufakis

In the wake of the brutal austerity package – cutting 3.3 billion euros of wages, pensions and benefits – which has just been passed by the Greek parliament, Professor Yanis Varoufakis, Professor of economic theory at the University [...]

Issue Eleven – 1st March 2012

After four and a half months of peaceful, prolonged protest, the authorities finally called time on the St Paul’s occupation in the early hours of Tuesday morning.   Riot police and bailiffs, enforcing the will of the 1%, were confronted [...]

Amanda Palmer

Amanda Palmer, lead singer and composer of the Dresden Dolls duo, has been visiting protest camps around the world. We asked about her experiences with Occupy.   OCCUPIED TIMES: Amanda, you have been playing quite a few Occupy camps – [...]


Occupier and OT reporter Emma Fordham speaks to another of Occupy London’s familiar faces   EM: When did you arrive at OLSX? STEVE: At the end of October. Two weeks in.   EM: What brought you here? STEVE: I wanted to visit London [...]

What is the Biggest Current Challenge to the Occupy Movement?

Julian, 36: “The eviction ruling. We have to make sure all of these structures are being safeguarded. We need to find a place to store the equipment, solar panels,generator, tents and shelves that we all worked so hard to build and maintain [...]

Occupied Elsewhere: Austria

In October 2011, the Austrian Occupy movement formed itself with concentrations in Vienna and a few other cities. Since then, they have organized meetings, demonstrations and coordination efforts to form a larger Occupy community. These strategies [...]

Issue Ten – 8th February 2012

It’s early February. There’s snowfall on the tarpaulins of the St. Paul’s camp, and chill winds force down the temperatures in the City. An unusual sight – normally, white powder in central London only marks the bankers’ bonus season.   We [...]

Reverend James Lawson Wonders if Occupy has Presented a Last Chance for Christianity

The Occupy London camp outside Saint Paul’s Cathedral is unique. No other protest in hundreds of cities across the world was so passionately engaged with the church. That gave the church a chance to learn from the movement. In an essay called [...]

Stalwarts of Occupy: Janick

Regular OT contributor & full-time occupier Emma Fordham speaks to an integral member of Occupy London about life on camp & why he is here.   EMMA FORDHAM: Where are you from? JANICK: I’m from France but I’ve been living in [...]

Money Talks: Turd Ferguson

The Occupied Times pokes the corpse of Keynesianism with eauntrepreneur and precious metals guru, Turd Ferguson, editor of tfmetalsreport.com   OCCUPIED TIMES: You say that we’re witnessing “the end of the Great Keynesian Experiment”, [...]

Asking the Occupiers: What Would You Do in the Event of an Eviction?

NANCY, 33: “We would like to see the camp continue but in the event we get evicted I don’t plan on resisting. I will move peacefully to another location.”   DAVID, 20: “I don’t know yet. I’ll react as things evolve when the [...]