
Poet’s Corner: In Our Futures Past

In Our Futures Past


We are standing at the crossroads in our futures past,

The route for our survival is a monumental task


In a system where one planet will never be enough,

We are destroying nature’s beauty with lots of plastic stuff.


What’s needed is for people in their millions to come together and unite, to stand up for their future and make collective dreams ignite.


Our planet is full of wonder and we’re letting it slip away,

Of this world’s freedom and diversity I never want to say…


That we gave up all our rights, but we’ve still got our TV’s, 

We swapped some basic freedoms for high securities


Now the flowers have all gone, there’s no honey, no more bees,

But there are seven billion people, chopping down the trees


Because we never raised the power to just provide for human need

Destroyed by a global order that motivated greed


The art form of taking more than you gave,

To profit from other human graves


To manufacture cheaply to rip people off,

To let poor people starve and rich people scoff.


To justify some lives where nothing changed except the cost, 

Blaming human nature, for our children’s future being lost.


Facing mass extinction, we have to change to get along,

Knowing that the word Universe literally means one song.



We’re not going to be destroyed by military forces, 

It’s not all going to end in the waste of our resources


Civilizations are developed by the people’s direct action,

To change a culture that feeds on your dissatisfaction


We’ll take responsibility for our own existence,

We’ll make a rainbow army of global mass resistance 


Empower every person to create a world without scarcity, 

Making wastelands into gardens that celebrate diversity


The growth of a species, the end of fossil fuels,

The transformation of a world where people share their tools


To say that – working together for every improvement, 

a grassroots climate action movement…


Replaced the poverty and waste of old economics,

And reshaped the world like plate tectonics



Waving triumphant goodbye to the financial elite, 

When free market capitalism is made obsolete


We’ll reinvent every city so that it can be sustained

Grow food and make energy and build efficient trains


And we’ll transcend the separation that used to be today,

Living the transition from all our yesterdays


From war torn and divided, nationalist and apart, profit driven, 

destructive and controlled…


To a borderless, moneyless, one world community, 

Cooperative, peaceful balanced and free.


By Thomas Daniell


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