
‘Seize the State – Don’t Flee It’

‘Dear Occupied Times,


Those involved in anti-austerity struggles after May 2001 ‘should not see election to the House of Commons as a suitable conduit’ for securing ‘aspirations for social change.’Candidates for change in the Westminster bubble ‘almost inevitably disappoint those who put faith in them’ – such institutions ‘change participants within them well before they (the institutions) themselves are changed.’


So rightly states Aaron Peters in his report ‘Flee the State – Don’t Seize It!’ (OT 04JAN2012) which provides an helpful analysis for all engaged in direct action and serious discussion toward replacing the now global kleptocracy for plutocrats which continues to ruin the world, and the lives and futures of all its species – including ourselves.


However, the opportunity presented by the first ever global internet-fed rebellion against the status quo must not be ducked, and the forthcoming London Mayoral and Assembly elections present a golden opportunity to use the system against itself and those who abuse it.


Aaron’s report provides many of the reasons precisely why an Occupy London Mayoral candidate together with Occupy London Assembly candidates would seriously disturb if not wreck this next corrupt round of ritual electoral farce – designed to fool the blind and blinkered to cast their suicide votes which, in the absence of Occupy London candidates, once again will serve merely to reinstate one or other of the transparently anachronistic ‘left’ or ‘right’ centralist establishment top-down diktat candidates.


‘…..the nation state is no longer the primary locus of political or economic endeavour….. Politics no longer exercises oversight over the economy and civil society. Simply put, Westminster is not the locus of political change or management of the economy’ – all are sentiments which concur with Leopold Kohr in his prescient The Breakdown of Nations 1957 / 86.


To take up the challenge to action therefore, an Occupy London campaign would run under the banner ‘Seize the State – don’t Flee it’.


Jakarta Linux

Active supporter OLSX Occupy London’

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