
Is “Is Occupy London An Inside Job?” An Inside Job?

Mark Weaver of the Paranoia Working Group reveals a worrying development lurking deep in the corrupt belly of Occupy London.


Fears have recently been raised within the Occupy London movement. Facilitators using mind control techniques, secret hierarchies and financial corruption are just some of the theories in circulation.


At first I thought this was natural; something to be expected from a fearful society making it’s first big move against power. But then I woke up. What if these brave, hot headed truth seekers where themselves part of a super secret conspiracy to distract people from the real threat? A plot so murky and abstract that even the agents themselves are in total self-denial of its existence. This would mean that the Occupy movement has been infiltrated by the ‘Occupy Truth Movement’, which has itself now been exposed by the ‘Occupy Truth Within The Occupy Truth Movement Group’, or ‘OTWTOTMG’ for short.


Of course, at this level things can get confusing. No one knows who anyone is, who they are working for or what that work consist of. It is entirely possible that the ‘Occupy Truth Within The Occupy Truth Movement Group’ contains double agents from the ‘Occupy Truth Movement’ working to undermine the efforts of the ‘Occupy Truth Within The Occupy Truth Movement Group’. This would mean the infiltrators are trying to co-opt the hidden infiltrators who are themselves unaware of their role in the real conspiracy.


If you reveal to people this truth they may seem sceptical, but don’t hate them. Their rational minds are not yet equipped for this kind of quantum logic. They will ask for evidence, which is itself known to be part of a complex government hoax.


Keep asking questions; keep creating answers. The truth will prevail.

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4 Responses to "Is “Is Occupy London An Inside Job?” An Inside Job?"

  1. John Wise says:

    Do the individuals accused of being Common Purpose graduates deny the charge or not?

  2. Having had a certain overbearing facilitator admit to me directly that they HAD attended a Common Purpose training course, and after witnessing first hand, time and time again at olsx, these techniques being used, there is no doubt in my mind that it is true.

  3. Paul Atkinson says:

    The key to unravelling the truth can be found In The Illuminatus Trilogy by Robert Shea and Robert Antonio Wilson.
