
Letter from the Director of Public Health, Cumbria

So the New Generation has found its voice!

Not just in Europe as in 1848, Or in the West in 1948 and the heady days of 1968 but globally here in 2011. For me one thing that is especially encouraging about this now global spring is the growing evidence of intergenerational solidarity. Despite the best efforts of the forces of evil, the maligned baby boomers who did not sell out are coming out in solidarity with the future leaders.

Intergenerational solidarity 1968-2011 is an emerging theme. It is becoming clear that New Labour and its international equivalents was a bastard version of social democracy which has scrambled our social legacy and social capital. The real spirit of the generation of 68 was never about centralised power in contrast with all the major political parties, the global business establishment and above all the established churches as so vividly demonstrated over the past 10 days. Spirit of 2011 I salute you and call on all my cohort of baby boomers to fall in in support.

Yours in admiration,

Solidarity and love,

John Ashton,

Director of Public health, Cumbria

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