
Students Take Over Building


Students and activists are currently taking over a disused university building in solidarity with a national day against education cuts.

About 40 people are currently occupying the six storey University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, which students say has not been used in three years.

Students inside the building spoken to by the Occupied Times said they were taking over the building, which they have renamed the Bloomsbury Social Centre.

They say they have entered the building in solidarity with, and inspired by the OccupyLSX movement – some of whom are involved in this new occupation.

The students say they are deciding whether to use the building as a squat, so that they will be protected under squatters laws.

They plan on using the building for workshops, meetings and planning for the upcoming November 30 strike.

More to follow…


By  Stacey Knott


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3 Responses to "Students Take Over Building"

  1. I will certainly be keeping tabs on this and I’d like to know about all developments regarding this please.

    Any possibility of a video tour?


  2. Nafeesa says:

    Im never going to forget that Stacey!



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