
Asking the Occupiers: What has Occupy London Taught You?

Tina, 41

“For me, this has been an educational and inspirational introduction to the art and act of protest. OLSX is a melting pot of different nationalities and expertise, a diverse and creative mix united by a shared desire for socioeconomic justice.”

Daniel, 27

“I’ve learned that we need to reform our relationships to live peacefully.”

Vica, 32

“To listen, to reflect on what I’ve heard and to question my own preconceptions. I’ve learned a great deal about online platforms and organizing as a community trough social media.”


Jeremy, 47

“That horizontal organization and participative democracy provides answers that no of us could come up with on our own. A people’s movement is far  more valuable than any politics, corporation or media organization. Another world, a better world is completely possible”


Jules, 23

“People and society are redeemable and they can function without the restrains of a system based on profit that disregards human interest .”


Harjeet, 21

“I knew about capitalism. Here I’ve learned about the alternatives.”


Kiki, 32

“The idea that the bankers and the governments has stolen our money is mainstream. People are coming from all over the country to say how they support us.”


Caroline, 49

“I’ve definitely gained confidence. I’ve learned that I’m not very good at organizing things but I’m good at intuitive things and I’m good on working on my own for the benefit of others. I realized that I need to look after myself better.”


Matthew, 19

“I’ve learned a lot about squatting. Before I came here I never really considered it at all. I gain skills that I can use in my future employment.”


Akira, 50

“Occupy London taught me that it doesn’t really matter what background you come from. If one is connected to one’s passions that is all that matters. This is a journey people can make together.”



Interviews by Mircea Barbu


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One Response to "Asking the Occupiers: What has Occupy London Taught You?"

  1. Old Fart says:

    Matthew, 19

    “I’ve learned a lot about squatting. Before I came here I never really considered it at all. I gain skills that I can use in my future employment.”

    Asking what people are and have learnt from the ongoing occupation is a brilliant move in thining about the dymamics that make movements. However, this answer is so tragic (I know he is young) as to beggar belief. Demonstrates the sprinkly precipitation of neo-liberal individualism as it haunts and occupies us even in the midst of vast collective ideas and practices
